By displaying and curating our museum collections, disseminating information and supporting others working in our field, we contribute to the preservation, use and development of the cultural heritage of maritime and transport history .

Sweden´s Most Modern Government Agency

The Naval Museum, the Vasa Museum, the Maritime Museum, Vrak – the Museum of Wrecks, and the Railway Museum are all part of Sweden’s most modern government agency 2023 – the Swedish National Maritime and Transport Museums.

A modern way of working, a clear orientation in sustainability work, and the ability to use the latest technology to develop access to and knowledge of Swedish cultural heritage are some of the reasons why SMTM has been awarded Sweden's most modern government agency 2023.

Read more about the award

Read more about our sister museums below

The Naval Museum's stately white façade with a sun glimpsed behind the roof.

The Naval Museum relates the history of the Swedish naval forces – recalling the battles of galleons when Sweden was a great power, the events of the cold war and the present. The museum is situated on the historic island of Stumholmen in Karlskrona. 

Visit the Naval Museum

The white building of the Maritime Museum in front of a clear blue sky.

The National Maritime Museum reflects Swedish cultural history by the different waterways. The museum is located in one of Stockholm’s most beautiful buildings on Djurgården and offers up-to-date exhibitions for adults and children about shipping, pleasure boats and Baltic Sea issues.  

Visit the Maritime Museum

The Vasa Museum's dark, dramatic exterior in backlight.

The Vasa Museum is one of Scandinavia's most visited museums. It houses the uniquely well-preserved warship Vasa from 1628 in all its splendor, adorned with hundreds of wooden sculptures. The Vasa Museum is located at the Royal Djurgården in Stockholm.

Visit the Vasa Museum

Vrak - Museum of Wreck's yellow building in front of a grey overcast sky.

Dive without getting wet and discover the unique, and to many unknown, cultural heritage found in the Baltic Sea. Vrak – Museum of Wrecks salvages the stories and leaves the wrecks where they are best preserved. The museum is located near the Vasa Museum at the Royal Djurgården in Stockholm.  

Visit Vrak – Museum of Wrecks