• A bright red spacious freight car stands still on a track.

    Freight wagon Giu 37448

    Freight wagon type G saw the light of day in 1935 and was considered large and spacious at that time.

  • The rear end of a rust brown freight car with taillights standing at the end of the train at a station building.

    Water tank wagon Ge 47133

    In many trains, you can see a covered goods wagon called Ge 47133. It was very common in freight trains in Sweden up to the 1980s.

  • A closed stationary brown freight car with a clear blue sky in the background.

    Model H closed wagons

    The Swedish Railway Museum has three model H wagons in service: Hbis, Hbins, and Hbillns. A common denominator among these is that the entire side of the wagon can be opened via sliding doors. The wagons are used by the Swedish Railway Museum for its own transports.

  • A stationary open rust brown freight wagon on a large track area.

    Open wagon Oms 371 4 762-2

    The Oms is an open wagon that can either be loaded with a flat bed or with the drop sides raised. The wagon is used by the Swedish Railway Museum for its own transports.

  • An open freight wagon with low sides and poles stands on a track in front of a grey building.

    Open wagon Kbs 335 0 793-1

    Kbs is an open wagon with low drop sides and stanchions. The wagon is used by the Swedish Railway Museum for its own transports.

  • A low open freight car standing on a snow-covered track area surrounded by several different trains.

    Open wagon Res 393 6 002-3

    Res is an open wagon that is longer than the OMS wagon, but has the same function with flat bed, stanchions and drop sides. The wagon is used by the Swedish Railway Museum for its own transports.

  • A red brown six-axle open freight car on a track area surrounded by other train cars and a streak of snow on the ground in front.

    Well wagon Uaai 993 0 002-5

    Uaai is a six-axle special wagon for transporting bulky and heavy objects. The wagon is used by the Swedish Railway Museum for its own transports.

  • A yellow and flat open freight wagon stands on a track on a grey autumn day.

    Machine transporter wagon Qbo 985 3 269-0

    Machine transporter wagon Qbo is a very special wagon designed to transport other railway vehicles. You raise the wagon using a jack with a boom under the wagon and can roll out a bogie at one end.